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Question & Tutorial

支付寶付款教學 Alipay Payment Tutorial

Step 1.jpg
Step 2.jpg

Please reconfirm the Gma you providedil correct
​ to speed up your acquisition of goods

Please confirm your gmail is correct
so that you can get our product faster

Screenshot 2024-01-17 100119.png

Select "Manual payment"
Choose "Manual Pay"

Step 3.jpg

Click Continue to go to the next page
Click "Continue" to the next page

Step 4.jpg

Only then will the system send
and show your order (unpaid)

Click and the system will give out
your order (Which havn't paid)


Please remember your "Order Number" and "Payment Amount"
Please markdown "Order No." & "Total"

Payment Amount Your Total

Order No. Order No.


your profile
Your information & detail

Scroll down to find the Alipay QR Code
Scroll down and here is the Alipay QR code

After Alipay payment is completed, please take a screenshot
​Then go to the right and click "Contact Us"
After your Alipay payment, Please capture your screen
And click "Contact Us" on right bottom


Please inform us that youalreadymakeUse Alipaypayment completed,
and provide the following information:
- Order number
- Payment amount
- Alipay transaction number

please tell us you had finished the payment by Alipay,
and provide the following information:
- Order No.
- Payment Total
- Alipay transaction code

We will handle it as soon as possible after receiving the notification
We will take care of your order
after reciving your message


Payment Tutorial

Alipay Now Available!

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